from $13.00



The ARSEq ( = Attack Release SEquencer) is, as the name implies, a hybrid sequencer and AR envelope generator. It contains a counter circuit with reset, 4 envelope generators and a mixer/inverter stage to get the sequenced output. The envelopes can be inverted if desired to give a greater voltage and complexity range of the output sequence. The individual 4 envelopes are available on the panel as well.

The main difference with this circuit and a regular EG is each envelope requires 2 clock pulses, one to start the attack and the next to start the release stage.

Yes the pots on the panel are a bit tight at 10HP, I should have made it wider, maybe I will one day? In the meantime it is best to build this with knurled shaft pots and find some narrow knobs to attach (Thonk and Modular Addict have nice ones).

Assembled modules are built to order. They will be ready to ship within 1 week of ordering, usually I manage it in 1-2 days.


  1. Build guide / BOM (pdf)

  2. Panel Template

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